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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: Jobs and routines, GRAMMAR Present Simple Third person (+) Affirmative sentence, Jobs vet, GRAMMAR Present Simple Third person (?) Question, GRAMMAR Present Simple Third person (-) Negative sentence, Jobs firefighter, Jobs pop star, (+) Affirmative sentence ???? He works on a farm, GRAMMAR Present Simple Third person to talk about routines and habits, Jobs police officer, UNIT 4: Jobs and routines VOCABULARY Jobs, Jobs cleaner, Does he work with animals? ???? Yes, he does, Jobs web designer, (?) Question ???? Does he work with animals?, Does he work with animals? ???? No, he doesn't, (-) Negative sentence ???? He doesn't work on a farm, Jobs fashion designer, Jobs shop asistant, Jobs farmer, Jobs taxi driver
jobs 1
jobs 2
jobs 3
Present simple 1
Grammar 2